All Images ©Ken Dewey, Applied
Climate Sciences Group,
School of Natural Resources,
UNL, unless otherwise noted.
January 29, 2008. The sun
returns following a brief snowfall in Lincoln
January 29, 2008. A brief
snowfall in Lincoln and blowing snow across the highway.
January 29, 2008. A brief
snowfall in Lincoln
January 29, 2008. A brief
snowfall in Lincoln
January 28, 2008. A mild
day on east campus of UNL, some green remains in the lawn and
the snow is almost completely
gone with temperatures reaching 60 F.
January 10, 2008. A brief
snow fall in Lincoln.
January 8, 2008. After a snowy
and cold December, little snow remains during our "January Thaw".
January 4, 2008. Warm air
returns to the region along with an orange red sunset.
January 2, 2008. Clearing
snow off Holmes Lake in Southeast Lincoln, to create an ice skating area.
January 2, 2008. Clearing
snow off Holmes Lake in Southeast Lincoln, to create an ice skating area.
January 2, 2008. Clearing
snow off Holmes Lake in Southeast Lincoln, to create an ice skating area.
January 2, 2008. Holmes
Lake in Southeast Lincoln with two ice skaters.
January 2, 2008. Hardin
Hall, home of this web site.
January 2, 2008. Looking
east over the east campus of UNL.
Only a small amount of snow remains
on the lawns.
January 2, 2008. Steam
rises from this plant into the early morning frigid ( -1 F) air in northeast
December 27, 2007. Pine Lake
Road and just east of 112th street looking west over the
rolling hills of southeast Lincoln.
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