Lake Mead, August, 2003

All Images © Ken Dewey,
School of Natural Resources, UNL.


Lake Mead is down nearly 90 feet from the levels of just 5 years ago.  The white rock is the "bathtub" ring for Lake Mead. The exposed rock is white due to salt deposits while submerged. Same photo as on the left, just closer with a telephoto lens.  Note how the "Princess Queen" boat and passengers are dwarfed by the white ring around Lake Mead
The line from the left to the right is a floating barrier to keep small boats from approaching the dam (which I am standing on to take this photo. The old intake and raw water supply to BMI (which processed magnesium in Henderson during WWII). 
The view looking downstream from the dam. The view looking down the front face of the dam
The change in color from light brown to white stone along the dam (left half of photo) shows how high the water normally is behind the dam. The relative humidity was only 9% on August 8, 2003, with an air temperature of 117 F causing continued rapid evaporation of surface water from Lake Mead.
The spillway in the distance (west side of the dam) stands high and dry.  Historical data for the dam indicates that the Lake Mead has reached 100% capacity twice in the past. This spillway is on the east side of the dam.  The white ring shows how low the current level of Lake Mead is as of August 2003.
Looking into the spillway on the east side of the dam which has stood completely flow free during the current 5-year drought. Looking back toward Lake Mead from near the spillway on the east side of the dam.