September 2013 Photo Gallery
All Images © Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Science, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
LINK: >>> All of the Photo Galleries
September 27, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 27, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 27, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 27, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 25, 2013: A foggy morning in Lincoln, NE
September 25, 2013: A foggy morning in Lincoln, NE
September 25, 2013: A foggy morning in Lincoln, NE
September 23, 2013: A "walking stick" insect investigates a tomato plant
September 22, 2013: a small rainbow forms over this sprinkler system
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, looking south from the top of the north end zone seats
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, looking east at the new East Stadium expansion
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, TV crew providing live coverage of the Nebraska South Dakota State game
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, looking east from the west stadium at the new East Stadium expansion
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view from the top row in the South Stadium
September 21, 2013: Memorial Stadium, the view looking west from the East Stadium
The view of the south edge of the UNL Campus with the Van Brunt Visitor center in the center
and the Lied Performing Arts Center to the left
September 20, 2013: A busy Bee in Lincoln, NE
September 20, 2013: A busy Bee in Lincoln, NE
September 19, 2013: I-80 near Omaha on a rainy afternoon
September 19, 2013: The Platte River near Ashland, NE
September 19, 2013: A dark, gloomy and rainy afternoon in Lincoln, NE
September 19, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln with a retreating thunderstorm
September 18, 2013: Looking southeast from the Club Level of the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: Looking northeast from the Club Level of the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: The view of the UNL campus from the Club Level of the new East Stadium expansion
September 18, 2013: The view from the top row in the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: Looking over the campus of UNL from the top row of the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: A view from the top row in the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: An information panel at the entrance to the new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 18, 2013: The new East Stadium expansion at UNL
September 17, 2013: A view from the new Memorial Stadium East Stadium Expansion
September 17, 2013: A view from the new Memorial Stadium East Stadium Expansion
September 17, 2013: A view from the new Memorial Stadium East Stadium Expansion
September 17, 2013: A view from inside the Club Level of the new Memorial Stadium East Stadium Expansion
September 17, 2013: A view from inside the Club Level of the new Memorial Stadium East Stadium Expansion
September 17, 2013: A foggy morning in Lincoln, NE
September 17, 2013: A foggy morning in Lincoln, NE
September 12, 2013: The Platte River at I-80 near Ashland, NE
September 12, 2013: Students playing scrabble in front of the UNL City Campus Student Union
September 12, 2013: In front of the UNL City Campus Student Union
September 10, 2013: Rain returns to Lincoln, NE
September 10, 2013: Rain returns to Lincoln, NE
September 10, 2013: Cumulus clouds begin to build off to the north of Hardin Hall, East Campus of UNL
September 10, 2013: Looking north from Hardin Hall, East Campus, UNL at the Wind Turbines near I-80
September 10, 2013: East Campus of UNL with its extensive forest cover.
September 10, 2013: Looking north from Hardin Hall, east campus of UNL
September 10, 2013: The Lincoln skyline viewed from east campus of UNL
September 10, 2013: City Campus of UNL viewed from East Campus of UNL
September 10, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 10, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE
September 9, 2013: Hottest day of the year with an official high in Lincoln, NE of 100F
September 7, 2013: Sunrise in Lincoln, NE. The brighter rays of sunlight are known as Crepuscular Rays
September 1, 2013: A neighborhood pond in Lincoln, NE
September 1, 2013: Some summer color in Lincoln, NE
Link to all of the Photo Galleries
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