June 2016 Photo Gallery

All Images © Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Science, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

June 23, 2016: Summer colors in Lincoln, NE

June 23, 2016: hail damage repairs continue throughout southeast Lincoln, NE

June 23, 2016: hail damage repairs continue throughout southeast Lincoln, NE

June 22, 2016: Pine Lake Road in South Lincoln near 56th street is scheduled to be widened soon

June 22, 2016: early summer colors in Lincoln, NE

June 21, 2016: Summer heat bakes Lincoln, NE

June 17, 2016: All of the north facing windows in this house remain boarded up due to the May 9, 2016 hail storm

June 17, 2016: The official high in Lincoln today was 100F

June 17, 2016: the official high today in Lincoln was 100F

June 16, 2016: Mid-June heat wave in Lincoln, NE

June 16, 2016: Southeast rural edge of Lincoln

June 14, 2016: a thunderstorm in the distance just after sunset near Lincoln, NE

June 14, 2016: rural southeast Nebraska

June 17, 2016: repairing hail damage from the May 9 storm in southeast Lincoln

June 12, 2016: Spring color in Lincoln, NE

June 3, 2016: Spring color in Lincoln, NE

June 3, 2016: Spring color in Lincoln, NE

June 3, 2016: Houses in southeast Lincoln have signs advertising the roofing companies lined up to repair the
May 9, 2016 hail damaged roofs. Note the truck unloading new roof shingles.

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Applied Climate Science 
School of Natural Resources