February 2016 Photo Gallery
All Images © Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Science, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
February 21, 2016: Full Moon over Lincoln, NE
February 21, 2016: Holmes Lake Park, Lincoln, NE
February 21, 2016: Holmes Lake Park, Lincoln, NE
February 21, 2016: Migrating geese over Lincoln, NE
February 21, 2016: Migrating geese over Lincoln, NE
February 21, 2016: Migrating geese over Lincoln, NE
February 20, 2016: Sunset in Lincoln, NE
February 20, 2016: Interesting aircraft over Lincoln, NE
February 19, 2016: Warm Spring-Like temperatures have arrived in Lincoln, NE
February 19, 2016: Holmes Lake Park, Lincoln, NE warm weather has arrived.
February 19, 2016:Amazing micro-climate with 68F right next to ...
February 19, 2016: 28F
February 19, 2016: Potholes are popping up around Lincoln, NE
February 19, 2016 Potholes are popping up around Lincoln, NE
February 19, 2016: Snow is gone and the lawns are turning green on East Campus, UNL
February 19, 2016: Snow is gone and the lawns are turning green on East Campus, UNL
February 19, 2016: City Campus viewed from east campus of UNL
February 19, 2016: State Capitol viewed from East campus of UNL
February 19, 2016: early morning Canada geese heading out for the day
February 18, 2016: Warm weather has arrived and this golf course is turning green in Lincoln, NE
February 18, 2016: Warm weather has arrived and this golf course is turning green in Lincoln, NE
February 18, 2016: Warm weather has arrived and this golf course is turning green in Lincoln, NE
February 18, 2016: Rural edge of Lincoln, NE.
February 18, 2016: Interesting sight with old snow piles and temperatures in the 70's in Lincoln, NE
February 18, 2016: Temperatures which would be normal for May 1 have arrived in Lincoln, NE
February 18, 2016: An amazing micro-climate with 68F over the lawn, but...
February 18, 2016: only 30F just a few inches away over old snow
February 17, 2016: early morning at Hard in Hall, east campus, UNL
February 17, 2016: The frost pattern on the roof of this home clearly shows it needs more attic insulation
February 16, 2016: Potholes, lots and lots of potholes in Lincoln, NE
February 15, 2016: temperatures have begun to warm and the recent snowfall is melting away
February 15, 2016: the first surge of Spring-time warmth has arrived in Lincoln, NE
February 15, 2016: even though it is only February and still snow is still on the ground,
a garden center begins to take shape outside Shopko in East Lincoln
February 15, 2016: tiny ice pellets, also known as graupel in Lincoln, NE
February 10, 2016: navigating around the potholes on the roads in Lincoln, NE
February 10, 2016: East Campus, UNL, Spring is arriving!
February 10, 2016: sunrise in Lincoln, NE
February 10, 2016: sunrise in Lincoln, NE
February 9, 2016: just after sunset in Lincoln, NE with a red glow on the clouds and jet contrails
February 9, 2016: Lingering snow cover in Lincoln, NE
February 8, 2016: sure sign of Spring, potholes are popping up in Lincoln, NE
February 8, 2016: East campus of UNL
February 8, 2016: looking toward the city center of Lincoln from East Campus, UNL
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 7, 2016: non-migratory resident Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 5, 2016: ice fishing in Lincoln, NE at Holmes Lake Park
February 5, 2016: a light Snow falls on East Campus of UNL.
February 4, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 4, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 4, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 4, 2016: Snow begins to melt following the snowstorm of earlier this week
February 4, 2016: A sunny day following a recent snowstorm
February 4, 2016: A sunny day following the recent snowfall.
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 3, 2016: Canada Geese in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 2, 2016: Largest snowfall of the winter in Lincoln, NE
February 1, 2016: Sunrise in Lincoln on the first day of a new month
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