Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium 2000
"Severe Weather on the Plains"
Saturday, October 7, 2000.

"Forecasting and Storm Chasing in Fact and Fantasy" 
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Dr. Chuck Doswell, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma.   Chuck is well known and highly published in the field of severe storms meteorology.  He was recently featured on several Learning Channel tornado programs.

"The Striking Facts and Fallacies about Lightning"
  Home Page

Dr. Mary Ann Cooper, University of Illinois at Chicago, Principal Investigator, lightning injury research. Mary Ann is a specialist on the impact of lightning injuries and recovery from lightning injuries. 

"Severe Storms and the Damage They Do"
Home Page
Tim Marshall is editor of Storm Track Magazine, the magazine for Storm Chasers since 1977. Professionally trained as a meteorologist, he a Failure and Damage Consultant, engineer and meteorologist with Haag Engineering Co., Dallas, Texas.

"The Challenges of Forecasting Winter Weather in the Great Plains"

Cathy Zapotocny, Meteorologist - National Weather Service Office, Valley,
Nebraska.  Cathy is the office's winter weather focal point, assuring that the
forecasters are prepared for each winter weather season.  In addition, she serves as the office web master. 

"Bringing Severe Weather Forecasts All year Long to The Great Plains."

On Camera Meteorologist Jeff Morrow of The Weather Channel, Atlanta Georgia will join us at the symposium and describe how the Weather Channel prepares and presents its coverage of severe weather. He really enjoys the aspect of reporting live significant weather events.  He can often be seen fulfilling that capacity as one of The Weather Channel's reporters in the field. 

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