RETURN TO CPSWS and Weatherfest 2009 Photo Gallery Index 

Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium 2009

Scenes around the Exhibit Areas and Classrooms

 IANR Applied Science 

 National; Weather Service, Omaha-Valley, NE.

 Barnes and Noble Weather Books

 Tern and Plover Foundation

 State Farm Insurance, another one of our important partners that helps support this event.

 Volunteer Partners

 A search and rescue dog

 Lincoln Amateur Radio and Lincoln-Lancaster County Emergency Management

 Randy Cerveny book signing

 Randy Cerveny book signing

 Randy Cerveny book signing

 American Red Cross

 NeRAIN Exhibit

 IANR Entomology Exhibit

 Welcome Tables with Greeters were at all of the entrances.

 A poster showing the Before and After the May 22, 2004 tornado image of Hallam, Nebraska.

 One of our partners, HyVee was selling weather radios. 

 Jeff Motes of KFOR Radio interviews the symposium organizer, Ken Dewey

 Deb Bathke, School of Natural Resources, at the NeRAIN exhibit

 Sean McMullen showing storm videos in a class room at the symposium

 Blue River REACT, Heartland REACT, Nebraska REACT 

 Arbor Day Foundation exhibit

RETURN TO CPSWS and Weatherfest 2009 Photo Gallery Index