Alaska Pipeline Summer 2008

It is owned by Alyeska Company, so it is also known as the Alyeska Pipeline

ALL Photos © K. Dewey, School of Natural Resources, Applied Climate Sciences, UNL.

The Alaska Pipeline visitor Center, 9 miles north of Fairbanks, AK at the Pipeline visitor Center, 9 miles north of Fairbanks, AK
at the Pipeline visitor Center, 9 miles north of Fairbanks, AK at the Pipeline visitor Center, 9 miles north of Fairbanks, AK

At the Pipeline visitor Center 9 miles north of Fairbanks, AK.
These are examples of the "pigs" that are used to clean the inside of the pipeline.  This "pig" is a newer version and the one on the right is a "retired" older "pig".  Note the information panels that are located just below which explain more about the use of these cleaning devices.  The visitor Center is open from May to September and has interpretive displays, gift shop, and free  informational brochures.  It is an excellent location to take photos of the pipeline and to get close to the pipeline.

The pipeline visitor center is located at mile 449.6 of the Alaska Pipeline.
Example of current Pig Retired, old Pig
See more Alaska Pipeline photos at our
Dalton Highway photo website
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See more Alaska Pipeline photos at our
Dalton Highway photo website


The Alaska Pipeline south of Delta Junction, 118 miles from Valdez.

The Alaska Pipeline south of Delta Junction, 118 miles from Valdez.
The pipeline descends underground for awhile at this location

The following two information panels about the pipeline were on display at this location along the Richardson Highway

Alaska Pipeline External Links:
Alyeska Pipeline Company Alaska Highway Facts
Alaska Pipeline Photo Source
Thinkquest Alaska Pipeline Facts and Information
"Explore North" Alaska Pipeline Facts and Information
KTUU TV Special Report on the Alaska Pipeline